Real Classical Acupuncture has never only focused on anatomic manifestations. In Chapter one of Ling Shu Jing, the original acupuncture description, it clear states that: “There are 365 acuholes in the human body, they meet and connect the body, these acuholes are where Shen (life program and information) and Qi go out and come in. They are not the same as skin, flesh, sinews, and bones. One who has understood this secrets, will really get the acupuncture and if one does not, will be lost in acupuncture for ever. ” (节之交,三百六十五会, 知其要者,一言而终,不知其要,流散无穷。所言节者,神气之所游行出入也, 非皮肉筋骨也。) Acupuncture might change the mechanisms of human diseases that we have ever known. Ling Shu Jing tells us that meridians and acuholes are evaluated by the frequencies of universe powers and they are the bio-navigational system of human life. This makes totally different points of view than west modern medicines. One of western scientist, Albert Einstein understood this life secret and he said that ‘The future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.’ CCM acupuncture matched his thought.
Every geometric form has its own equation as we all know. CCM Yin-Yang and Wu Xing are the fundamental geometric forms (Fig 1).
This Yin Yang Wu Xing geometry matches and includes the Platonic basic geometric shapes (Fig 2).
In CCM, it says that ‘A good acupuncturist knows how to use Yang meridians to treat Yin diseases; and how use Yin meridians to treat yang diseases. Knows that for the upper diseases, using lower points and for the lower diseases, using upper points; for the left diseases, using right points and for the right diseases, using left points. If the diseases are at the middle, use the four side points.’(善用针者,从阴引阳,从阳引阴。上病下治,下病上治,左病右治,右病左治;病在中,旁取之。)These geometric descriptions are the classical principles of making basic acupuncture point combinations. If we carefully looking at some of the specific patterns of acupuncture point combinations, such as Front Mu-Back Shu, Yuan-He of same name meridians and Biao Li coupled meridians, Yuan-Mu combinations and etc. they are all formed the same as Platonic basic geometric shapes. Here, we demonstrate some examples of classical acupuncture point combinations on the typical Vitruvian man’s body proportion by Da Vinci (Fig. 3).
From Fig. 3, we can see three geometric acupuncture point formulations:
- The combination of LI 4 and Liv 3: This is the four gates of Yin and Yang. It is the motion of Qi circle. Liv 3 is the yuan point of Foot Jue Yin Meridian. It is the most yin and beginning of yang. Liv 3 restores and initiates original yang qi and rises shao yang, to maximum tai yang and reaching to yang ming; LI 4 is the yuan fire point of Hand yang ming meridian. It is the stage of closing yang gate and opening yin gate (Tai Yin opens). LI 4 leads Qi to descend into the yin phase. Four Gates plays an important role in the motion of Qi motion and it is one of most used acupuncture point combinations for unblocking qi stagnations and qi balance in practice.
- Lug 5, Ren 9 and Sp 9 is the combination often used to resolve accumulation of dampness, particularly for the internal dampness or water accumulation. This is the pattern of Tai Yin same named meridians (Hand Tai Yin and Foot Tai Yin) interaction (Tong Ming Jie Jing). Two Tai Yin earth-water-sea he points combining with Ren 9, a water dividing point on Ren Mai, together they move water from Shang Jiao, Zhong Jiao and Xia Jiao. This points combination is formulated as two triangles geometric forms (see Fig. 3 green lines).
- The combination of Lug 5, Sp 9 and St 28 is typical Biao Li Jie Jing of Tai Yin and Yang Ming meridians (Biao Li coupled interaction). It forms a double trapezoid meridian connection (see the blue line). This combination can be used for the syndromes of damp and water accumulation in Xia Jiao related diseases.
Actually, many classical basic acupuncture point combinations are formed as these essential geometric connections. For instance, Lug 1 and Ren 17, a Tai Yin Mu and Qi Meeting points combination for regulating Shang Jiao Qi is a triangle connection; and Bl 17 and Bl 19, as Four Flowers for relating blood is a square connection, and etc.
However, east meets west, philosophy meets mathematic, geometric meets Classical Chinese Medicine, it might be just the wisdom of universe.
Dr. Li Jie has thoroughly selected 100 of these special geometric acupuncture point combinations from Ling Shu Jing, Jia Yi Jing and Nan Jing in the categories of 5 Shu Points, Mu, Back Shu, Yuan-He-Mu, Yuan-Luo, Jing Well-Xi Cleft and etc. for treating 100 modern complex diseases. The topic will gradually be introduced to all TCM practitioners who are interested in CCM Acupuncture in near future.